Below: Costa Rica's FINEST POSTCARDS "1st Edition" (Part 6) released February 1998. (5 by 7 inches) with full (HIGH CONTRAST PASTEL) color designs on the back. |
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Click here or above for more TURTLES: Tarjeta - Card # 30: BUCEO A PROFUNDIDAD - DIVE DEEP: Tortugas de muchas especies est‡n en estas ricas aguas en ambos costas Pac’fica y Caribe–a. Las empresas de buceo est‡n para su disfrute. La tortuga gigante en el fondo de esta tarjeta tiene un diametro aproximado de dos metros. Para ver m‡s tortugas tarjetas # 17, 41, 48, 57, y 66. Y para m‡s de las profunidadades en tarjetas # 3, 10, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, 37, 52, y 64. Turtles of several species abound in the rich waters of both the Caribbean and Pacific oceans. Costa Rica's namy dive companies all aim to please! The giant turtle on the front side of this card had a breadth of 6-7 feet (2 metres). To see more turtles see cards # 17, 41, 48, 57, y 66. To see more turtles see cards # 3, 10, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, 37, 52, and 64. |
Click HERE or ABOVE for more BEACHES Part 1: Click HERE for more BEACHES Part 2: Tarjeta - Card # 32: ALA VIDA ES UN PLAYA - LIFE'S A BEACH: Explora algunas de los cientos de playhas en ambas costas de Costa Rica. Con m‡s de 1,000 kms. Siempre hay una que se puede accesar en veh’culo. Para m‡s tarjetas con playas # 9, 17, 28, 33, 40, 46, 54, 55, 56, 60 y 77. Explore some of Costa Rica's hundreds of beaches (playas) on two oceans. With over 700 miles of coastline, there's always one of the several playas to choose from within driving distance. More beaches can be seen on cards# 9, 17, 28, 33, 40, 46, 54, 55, 56, 60 and 77. |
Click HERE or above for more BEACHES Part 3: Click ABOVE for more IGUANAS: Tarjeta - Card # 33: CRUCE DE IGUANAS EN PLAYA PATO - IGUANA CROSSING at DUCK BEACH: Costa Rica tiene m‡s de 1,200 kms. de linea costera. Hay una playa para todos. No olvides traer tu sombrero de paja y mucho aciete para broncearse. Se puede ver m‡s playas en tarjetas 9, 11, 13, 17, 28, 32, 40, 43, 46, 54, 55, 56, 60 y 77. Costa Rica has over 700 miles of seaside on both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, there's a beach for everyone. Don't forget to bring along a straw hat and lots of suntan lotion. More beaches can be seen on cards 9, 11, 13, 17, 28, 32, 40, 43, 46, 54, 55, 56, 60 and 77. |
Click HERE or ABOVE for more CATS IN THE WILD: Tarjeta - Card # 34: COSTA RICA JAGUARS: JAGUARES DE COSTA RICA: Si tienes suerte podr’as observar un jaguar en su medio silvestre en algun de los numerosos parques nacionales de Costa Rica. Fotograf’a cortesêa de Los Inocentes Lodge. M‡s aventuras de jaguares en tarjetas # 20, 50, 65 y 67. If you're lucky you may spot a jaguar (Felis onca) out in the wilds of one of the many Costa Rican National Parks. Photo assistance courtesy of Los Inocentes Lodge. More Jaguar other cat adventure can be seen on cards # 20, 50, 65 and 67. |
Click HERE or ABOVE for BIRDLIFE Part 2: Tarjeta - Card # 35: COLIBRê: - HUMMING BIRDS and FLORALS: Colibr’es, mariposas y amapolas conviven en armon’a en los exhuberantes bosques de Costa Rica. Mantengan sus ojos y o’dos abierto, ya que siempre hay grandiosas oportunidades para fotograf’a y hermosas cantos de aves para escuchar. Ver tarjetas # 1, 2, 8, 20, 23, 33, 56, 59, 61, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75 y 78. Hummingbirds, butterflies and hibiscus all live in harmony in the rich forests of Costa Rica. Keep your eyes and ears open , as there is always great photo opportunities and beautiful songs by the birds t o be heard. For more birds see cards # 1, 2, 8, 20, 23, 33, 56, 59, 61, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75 and 78. |
Click HERE or ABOVE for more MONKEYS: Tarjeta - Card # 36: MONOS CONGO: - HOWLER MONKEY & BLUEJAY: Hay innumerables monos en Costa Rica. Se les Puede escuchar temprano en la ma–ana cuando le dan la beinvenida al nuevo d’a. Fotograf’a cortes’a de Richard Janik de ZooAve Parque de conservaci—n de la vida silvestre en Alajuela. M‡s monos en tarjetas # 1, 2, 24, 36, 42, 60, 69 y 70. Monkeys are plentiful in Costa Rica. One can often hear them early in the morning as they greet the day and their neighbours, in this case a crested bluejay. Photograph, courtesty of the Zoo Ave Wildlife Conservation Park in Alajuela. More monkeys can be seen on cards # 1, 2, 24, 36, 42, 60, 69 and 70. |